Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Thursday, May 27, 2010

How Not to Cheer Up a Cancer Patient

Sorry for the lapse in blogging, kids. Felt kinda icky the last couple weeks so it dropped to the bottom of my priority list. The little energy I could muster never added up to more than 140 characters. Which is why you should follow me on Twitter (@miavandy).


Came across this article while perusing the UCF Facebook page today. So spot on (and funny). Wish I had this to send to people 2 yrs ago. But good to read anytime for future reference. Ch-ch-check it out: How Not to Cheer Up a Cancer Patient.

A sample passage:

Ling Ling

One of the most common fear responses to the dreaded News is to e-mail the person you love with as much information you can gather on his/her particular cancer. The problem is this: The Internet was invented as a pornography delivery system. And for Nigerian princes to find your grandparents and convince them to go halfsies on a timeshare in Boca Raton. And of course for every jackass with a computer to offer up an opinion on the best way to cure cancer. Look, I know you mean well, but I have yet to see anyone pull out of a pancreatic cancer tailspin by sucking on a panda's claw for two hours a day. I'm all for alternative medicine or nontraditional ways of beating the shit out of this insidious beast, but sometimes I don't have enough time to take a few months off to try Bosco enemas and tickle classes.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Ryan Phillipe and Val Kilmer are both in the new Magruber movie?! A movie based on a crappy SNL sketch?! As Seth Meyers and Amy Poehler would say: REALLY!?!

Ryan starred in fan favorites such as "White Squall,""I Know What You Did Last Summer," and "Cruel Intentions." He also appeared in the Academy Award winning ensemble drama "Crash."

Among Val's many iconic roles he played Ice Man ("Top Gun"), Elvis ("True Romance"), Batman, and my fave, Jim Morrison in Oliver Stone's "The Doors."

This garbage:

Oh did I mention that last week Ryan hosted WWE Monday Night Raw to promote this garbage. Uh yeah.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Oh, Canada...

Just got back from DC, tired as hell. But wanted to throw up a quick post to mention how much I HEART CANADA. Why you ask? Because Canada is responsible for Think About Life, who I'm mildly obsessed with after last night's DC-9 show. I want to be the chick bass player. And the guitar player looks like a hipster version of Matt Volouse. And Cesar the lead singer is just overall awesome (and apparently playing somewhere in Bmore tonight, according to insider Ryan Smith)

Listen to Think About Life here

More importantly, our northern neighbors gave me Dan Kurtz, bass player for the New Deal. Who (I can't believe I'm saying this) has ousted Ryan Reynolds as my #1 Canuck Crush. Seriously. Hot hot hot. And umm HE'S THE BASSIST IN THE FRIGGIN NEW DEAL!

Speaking of hot Canadians, I'm sad to say that we have to wait yet another week to see Taylor Kitsch (everyone's fave full back Tim Riggins). NBC has pushed the Friday Night Lights season 4 premiere to May 7th instead of the originally scheduled April 30th. So we're looking at 12 more days in our COUNTDOWN TO RIGGINS. Enjoy this pic to tide you over in the meantime...

OK, after posting that pic, I realize that Taylor must be my #1 Canadian. Then Dan. Then Ryan. Glad I cleared that up.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Spring/Summer Show Calendar

Well after seeing Bisco last week I've been once again bitten by the live music bug. It really shouldn't be a surprise considering I averaged a show at least every 2 weeks through college and most my early 20s. [Ugh, now that I'm almost 29 I have to refer to those years as my 'early' 20s - weird]. Anywho, I've spent the last few days planning out my shows for the rest of the spring into the summer. And I gotta say, I'm pretty pumped as to how the calendar is rounding out. Lots of acts I love coming to the area. And a couple excuses to roadtrip in there too. Here's what I have on tap so far. I've included links to band websites so y'all can check em out if you aren't familiar. Live music makes me happy. And it will make you happy too. So holla if you want to come with to any or all. Or have more show suggestions.

4/23/10 - Dragonette & Think About Life @ DC-9, the New Deal @ 9:30 Club (late night show)
4/26/10 - Phoenix @ DAR Constitution Hall
5/21/10 - LCD Soundsystem @ Terminal 5, NYC - UPDATE: scored a ticket for face on eBay. woot!

6/2/10 - Passion Pit @ Ramshead Live
6/3/10 - moe. @ Ramshead Live

6/5/10 - Starscape Festival @ Fort Armistead Park, B-More - featuring the Disco Biscuits, Pretty Lights, Lotus, Future Rock, the New Deal, and lots others
6/15/10 - Phish @ nTelos Wireless Pavillion, Portsmouth, VA
7/22/10 - Edward Sharpe & the Magnetic Zeroes @ Webster Hall, NYC

8/4/10 - Hot Chip - Central Park Summer Stage NYC
8/15/10 - STS9 & RJD2 @ Pier 6
8/18/10 - Phish @ Jones Beach, NY

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Countdown to Riggins: 12 DAYS

I was playing with my Netflix queue, as I'm known to do, and noticed that all of Season 3 of Friday Night Lights (aka one of the best shows EVER) is currently available on Watch Instantly. So watch up my friends, because the COUNTDOWN TO RIGGINS is on. New eps on NBC start April 30th. Bring on the hotness.

Face Melting

Went to Richmond last night to check out the Disco Biscuits show with Evan. His first real show (had only seen them at Artscape before). Excellent time but now I'm super tired. TGI Sunday.

We went with new friends Katie and Brandon. Officially 2 of my new favorite peeps on the planet. Super cool, really chill, and love to dance. Already have plans to see New Deal with them at 9:30 Club this Friday and am likely on their bandwagon for Camp Bisco in July. Yeah and I may have offered to let them live in our basement for the 1st week of June for Passion Pit > moe. > Starscape.

Barber still nursing wrist injury so he sang and stuck to comp. Tommy Hamilton from Brothers Past/American Babies and Chris Michetti from RAQ filled in like champs on guitar.

Setlist (according to Brownie's Twitter - @Marc_Brownstein)

SET I: In the Flesh > And the Ladies Were the Rest of the Night > Helicopters, Fish Out of Water, Shelby Rose > The City > Shelby Rose

SET II: 42 > Lunar Pursuit > Ladies. Little Lai > I-Man > 42 

ENCORE: Pimp Blue Rikkis

Helix and 42 are 2 of my all time fave Biscuit's songs so I was definitely pumped.

Some show pics (pardon the quality - working w an iPhone w no Flash bc my digital camera is dead)...

Also, I made the exec decision that when I get my kitten next month, if its a girl she shall be named Shelby Rose. [If its a boy we will be sticking with the original game plan of Tim Riggins - yay for Friday Night Lights!]