Sunday, January 18, 2009

a prayer

Dear God,
I know over the past 15 years or so I have openly denounced your existence, so you have no real reason to even listen to a prayer from lil ol' me. But as you know 2008 was a really rough year for me. So I have a favor to ask. No its not health related - I know a cure for Leukemia is a lot to ask. I'm asking for you to let the Ravens beat the douche bag Steelers today in the AFC Championship game at 6:30pm EST. I'm sure you get a lot of prayers like this from both Ravens and Steelers fans, but I figure since you've basically screwed me over the last year, you kinda owe me this one. Plus I mean seriously, have you seen how douchey Steelers fans are?! Take their mayor for example.

So in summary, help me out here big daddy. I don't hold the CLL against ya. I know everything is for a reason, and that this experience has made me a stronger person, and realize the great people around me. I just figure, since I found this portrait of you and Ray Ray, that you can't be a bad dude. Make it happen, pal.

Mia (no middle name) Loizeaux

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