Sunday, December 7, 2008

time for a facebook hiatus

my challenge, if i choose to accept it - don't go on facebook at all until after christmas.

lately i've found i've become too dependent on facebook as a means of communicating with people. now don't get me wrong - fb has its merits - finding people you've lost touch with, sharing photos (this is particularly wonderful for ppl like me who never takes my own pics), and esp keeping touch with those "acquaintances" who may not have your cell number or email address. but i've realized that fb, like texting, is really just a passive way of communication. if i want to talk to someone, or if they want to talk to me, how about using the phone. or even a direct email is a tad more personal. just a thought.

yes, i know this probably seems hypocritical, as i'm typing this on my blog. i mean how much more passive aggressive could one be? but frankly, i assume noone reads this, so i'm using this as a place to write down my thoughts for me. if someone else reads them, great. if not, at least i'm venting somewhere.

so moral of the story, i won't be facebook-ing for a while. and after a few weeks if i don't miss it, i'll delete my account. and if i do miss it, then hey, at least i put on a nice little personal social experiment for a bit there.

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